Tackling inequality. Root and branch

innovating and enabling investor action on inequality.
The EIIP exists to ensure that social impact investing is more fully harnessed to advance SDG 10 – reducing inequality – in the UK and beyond. We are doing this by bringing together the fields of social impact investing with equality and human rights to build a new one: Equality Impact Investing.

what is EII?
Equality Impact Investing (EII) is a form of social impact investing that aims to reduce inequality and advance human rights. It applies the equality and human rights movement’s internationally recognised aims, principles and standards to social impact investing goals, strategies and impact measurement across the full spectrum of capital.
eII knowledge hub
Your place to access knowledge, best practices and tools for equality impact investing. Co-created by EIIP and the equality impact investing community. Submit your resources here.

current work
Learn how EIIP is advancing investor’s impact on inequality through equality impact investing – by piloting and demonstration, developing professional standards, adapting impact measures, policy alignment and capacity building.
uk taskforce
Convened by the EIIP, the UK Taskforce is a platform for key investment and equality players to collaborate on taking forward the recommendations and wider agenda for action set out in EIIP’s foundational report. Members are individually and collectively pioneering new approaches to assessing, and proactively increasing, their impact on inequality.
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Very heartening to read stories from the those in involved in impact investing of the global creative economy – fro… https://t.co/EPjQEKRxp3
Refugee lens investing aims not only to grow investment opportunities but change the dominant narrative around ref… https://t.co/X75gjtfIsK
Really good analysis here from @BigIssueInvest and @UnLtd Growth Impact Fund on the barriers faced by diverse led s… https://t.co/B67lp043Xo